Colon cancer--genetic test_0

Who should considergenetic counseling and testing?

Geneticcounseling followed by genetic testing should be considered for individuals aswell as their family members when there are:

Individuals inthe family with early onset of colon cancer, before age 50四川省第四人民医院消化内科常玉英

Individuals inthe family with numerous colon polyps

Families inwhich multiple members have colon cancer

Families withmembers with numerous colon polyps

Families withmembers having colon cancers at young ages

Families withmembers having certain non-colon cancers such as cancers of the uterus,thyroid, ureters, ovaries, small intestine, etc.

Genetic testingwithout prior counseling is discouraged because of the extensive familyeducation that is involved and the complicated nature of interpreting the testresults.