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李 忠1,_杨 柳1,_戴 刚1,陈光兴1,__鲁晓波2,____阳运康2,_张卫东1,张洪鑫1,_王晓宇1 (1第三军医大学附属西南医院关节外科中心,_重庆 400038;2泸州医学院附属医院骨科,___泸州 646000)西南医科大学附属医院骨与关节外科李忠

提要:目的 探讨经关节镜建立猪双膝骨关节炎动物模型及用磁共振成像(MRI)监测骨关节炎骨软骨损害的有效性和可行性。__方法 4只小型猪经关节镜切除双膝外侧部分半月板,___术后12周,__行大体、组织学和MRI观察与切除半月板相对股骨髁的骨软骨变化。_结果 大体观察发现,___局限性软骨表面纤维化,_股骨髁间切迹骨赘形成;组织学发现,_软骨细胞数量和蛋白多糖含量减少、成簇排列细胞数量增加;MRI发现,软骨厚度变薄和骨软骨信号强度改变。_结论 经关节镜半月板部分切除能有效建立猪双膝关节骨关节炎动物模型,_MRI能灵敏监测到骨关节炎动物模型的骨软骨变化。__

Establishment animal models of osteoarthritis by partial meniscectomy arthroscopily

LI Zhong1, YANG Liu1, DAI Gang1, CHENG Guang-xing1, LU Xiao-bo2, YANG Yun-kang2, ZHANG Wei-dong1, ZHONG Hong-xin1,WANG Xiao-yu (1Centre for Joint Surgery, Southwest Hospital, the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, 2Department of Orthopaedics, Affiliated hospital of Luzhou medical collage, Luzhou 646000,China )

Abstract: Objective To explore the effectiveness and the feasibility of establishment of osteoarthritis animal model by arthroscopy and monitor the osteoarthritis lesion of bone and cartilage by magnetic resonance imagine (MRI) in bilateral knee joint of mini-pigs. Methods Bilateral partial menisci resections were performed on four mini-pigs (8 joints) by arthroscopy. Changes of bone and cartilage contacted with the resected menisci were analyzed by gross observation, histology, and MRI at twelve post-surgery. Results Gross observation showed focal fibrillation on articular cartilage surfaces and significant osteophyte formation at lateral intercondylar notches of the distal femur. Histology revealed the loss of cellularity and proteoglycan and increase in the numbers of chondrocytes of condrocytes clustering. MRI showed the cartilage thickness were decreased and signal intensity of bone and cartilage were changed. Conclusion osteoarthritis animal models in bilateral knee joint of mini-pigs can be established effectively by partial meniscectomy arthroscopily. Changes of bone and cartilage of osteoarthritis animal models can be monitored sensitively by MRI.

Key words: Arthroscopy; Osteoarthritis; Animal model; Magnetic resonance imagine